Consumer fraud claims have become a staple of litigation brought by both government and private plaintiffs across industries and in venues across the country. Such claims arise under substantive theories of fraud, negligent misrepresentation, violations of state consumer protection and unfair business practices acts, breach of contract, breach of warranty, product liability, violations of California’s Business and Professions Code Section 17200, and common law unjust enrichment.
Eimer Stahl attorneys have been in the forefront on defending such claims on behalf of major corporate defendants in federal and state courts across the country – including many so-called plaintiff "magnet jurisdictions." These consumer cases usually involve class action allegations or other "aggregate litigation" tactics, as well as claims for treble or punitive damages and attorneys' fees. Eimer Stahl has handled the full range of consumer protection engagements, from providing counseling and advice to handling investigations and inquiries from the Federal Trade Commission. Our lawyers have represented clients in a wide variety of industries, including consumer electronics, medical devices, financial services, insurance, manufacturing, chemicals, petroleum products, and consumer products.