Eimer Stahl was recognized by Law360 as one of the best law firms for female partners in the country in their annual Glass Ceiling report and earned a spot on the news agency’s “Ceiling Smasher’s” list. The firm ranked 6th in the boutique firm category (20-49 lawyers) and is among the top 15 law firms nationwide to have 42.9 percent female equity partners. Law360 collected attorney data from over 300 firms nationwide and ranked them based on size and percentage of U.S. equity partners that identify as female. While Law360 saw limited progress for female attorneys in a male-dominated profession, Eimer Stahl has continued to grow and advance.
This isn’t the first time Eimer Stahl has been featured on the “Ceiling Smashers” list—Law360 featured the firm both in 2016 and 2018 for its progressive number of female equity partners.
For the full 2019 article, please click here (login credentials may be required).