Eimer Stahl is honored to have participated in the 9th annual Chicago Bar Foundation Investing in Justice Campaign, an annual campaign engaging thousands of lawyers and legal professionals to come together around a common cause as a legal profession—helping to ensure that everyone has access to necessary legal help, not just those who can afford it.
The 2015 Campaign set new records across the board while raising awareness and much-needed funding for pro bono and legal aid services in the Chicago area. Eimer Stahl was one of 147 law firms, corporate legal departments and other law-related organizations that participated in this year’s Campaign, through which more than 4,700 individual attorneys and legal professionals contributed more than $1.45 million, both record amounts.
100 percent of individual contributions to the Campaign go directly to CBF grants and leverage hundreds of thousands in additional funding for this work as well. This year’s Campaign will yield more than $2 million in grants to 34 pro bono and legal aid organizations thanks to a number of generous matching contributions from participating firms and companies, including Eimer Stahl, and additional foundation and government funding the CBF is able to leverage through the Campaign grants process.
The grants made possible by the Campaign fund a continuum of much-needed services in our community, including web-based information and resources, legal aid hotlines, advice desks and clinics, extended representation and significant impact litigation. Those receiving services thanks to the Campaign include the elderly, disabled individuals, veterans, children, domestic violence victims, people at risk of wrongfully losing their homes, immigrants fleeing persecution and abuse, and many others in the Chicago area in need of legal assistance.
The Investing in Justice Campaign is the largest campaign of its type in the country. In the course of its nine years, the Campaign has raised more than $11.5 million to help people in need get critical legal assistance.
Since 2008 Eimer Stahl has contributed annually to the Chicago Bar Foundation’s Investing in Justice Campaign, with 100% of the lawyers at Eimer Stahl donating to the Fund in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. According to Robert Graves, Executive Director of the Chicago Bar Foundation: "Eimer Stahl has been one of the standard bearers in the CBF Investing in Justice Campaign for years now, one of many great examples of the firm’s consistent leadership and generous support in the cause of making the justice system fair and accessible for everyone in our community."
More information about the Investing in Justice Campaign and the work of the CBF is available on the CBF website.