The BTI Consulting Group interviewed over 200 corporate counsel at Fortune 1000 companies throughout the US regarding their outside law firm relationships, how they buy legal services and a broad range of other issues. We also asked which attorneys stand out for their superior client service. The BTI Client Service All-Star Team represents those individual attorneys who have been nominated by their Fortune 1000 clients, in an unprompted manner, because they provide superior client service — they are the All-Stars of client service.
Who Makes the All-Star Team 90 individuals, representing 79 law firms, were nominated for BTI's Client Service All-Star Team for law firms. Only 2 attorneys were nominated by multiple clients.
The BTI Client Service MVPs – 3 Years of Superior Client Service Clients identify 6 attorneys that deliver superior client service three years in a row. These All-Star Client Service MVPs deliver superior client service on a continuing basis — and clients take notice.
Getting to the Heart of the Matter Clients talk about their attorneys' ability to get to the heart of the matter quickly. All-Stars strike at the core. They anticipate what is coming next and prepare thoughtful, direct answers to questions that clients have not yet asked. All-Stars understand and track client objectives, understanding that client objectives and needs change.
Most of the All-Stars rely on more short, informal communications to make their points and offer clear, unequivocal opinions. These All-Stars are no longer adjunct professionals responding to client calls as needed. Clients view their All-Stars as an informed resource that is always fully prepared to jump in headfirst.
About The BTI Client Service All-Star Team We established The BTI Client Service All-Star Team to honor those individual attorneys whom clients identify as providing outstanding client service. The ultimate success of a law firm depends on its relationships with its clients. Good client relationships lead to business growth, increased revenues, lower costs and higher rates. Good client relationships also make the work itself more interesting.
In the eyes of their clients, the key individuals that stand out in the sea of practitioners represent the cream of the crop. These individuals are on The BTI Client Service All-Star Team.
Client-Nominated: The True Test of Client Service BTI interviewed over 200 corporate counsel at Fortune 1000 companies throughout the U.S. about their outside law firm relationships and how they buy legal services. In the course of these interviews, we asked corporate counsel about the types of legal services they buy, from whom they buy them and if any individual at their law firms provides superior client service. The most important judge of client service – the client him or herself – decides who makes it to The BTI Client Service All-Star Team.
The BTI Client Service All-Star Team
Nathan P. Eimer Eimer Stahl LLP Managing Partner Chicago, IL